(Jon sez:)
I always have thought that conquering the Moon would be lots more fun than
conquering the Earth. For one thing, the Moon is smaller, so it would be
easier to conquer. It's a bijou of a little worldlet that one could take
over between luncheon and teatime.
And I would like to say again just how much fun it is to write the dialogue
for the mad scientists. Although Mark is probably going to be very tired of
drawing crowds by the time this scene is over.
(Mark sez:)
Well, the dirty little secret of drawing crowds is that it goes a lot faster if you do a half-assed job.
Anyway, thanks for your patience and here's the new page. This being Thanksgiving, I hope our American readers were able to travel and see loved ones, eat turkey, and so forth. 'Cos, you know, I wasn't.
Sorry, I appear to have something in my eye. I'm going to go drown my sorrows in Half-Life 2 now, so I'll see you later.