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(Jon sez:)

Your Writer: Jon Kilgannon I attended a Halloween party this past weekend with Mark. Yes, he braved the airlines (who took his toothpaste for reasons which no one has ever been able to rationally explain without actually starting to drool and twitch like a victim of electroshock) to visit us here in Philadelphia. He came dressed as "next generation gaming."

I, on the other hand, wore one of my wife's work badges and told people I was dressed as her. For my trouble, I was told that I should have worn a skirt to really complete the costume. Anyone who would want to see my legs in a skirt would deserve the horror they'd get, honestly.

For those of us who aren't complete computer geeks like me, I can explain why the Marlowes with Dryden are saying "1!" It's because one maps to "true" (whereas zero maps to "false"). So the Marlowes are saying "True!", which can be colloquially rendered in this case as "Yeah!"

Haas reacts by saying the most hurtful thing he can think of, which shows that, in a way, he thinks of Dryden as a person - since Haas knows Dryden has feelings to hurt.

(Mark sez:)

Your Artist: Mark Sachs My costume consisted of a sign around my neck that said "COSTUME DELAYED UNTIL 3Q 2007". Now that I think of it, I could have used the same idea and gone as a webcomic instead.