(Jon sez:)
Things to do today, Benjamin Prester: Jump out over a depressed highway
while a wheeled robot fires slugs at you, hoping that a planet-sized
collective intelligence knows what it's doing.
Things to do today, Caprice Quevillion: Jump out over a depressed highway
while a wheeled robot fires slugs at you, knowing that the planet-sized
collective intelligence of which you are a part knows exactly what it's
Things to do today, wheeled robot: BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM! BLAM!
P.S. Hello to everyone visiting from the University of Connecticut Japanese
Animation Society!
(Mark sez:)
Finally, something that can fluster Benjamin: the prospect of his own imminent death! Aw, but you know they're going to be just fine.
Kaesa Aurelia Secunda writes in from the dying days of the Roman Empire to make a request for the archived "Jon sez" and "Mark sez" columns. OK, Kaesa, consider it... well, not "done" in the strict sense of being, you know, done, but the columns are all archived and will soon enough be made available to everybody once we store them in a... database... thingy... on the... computer whatsis. With all the, you know, buttons and wires and stuff. We're definitely going to do that.
Next time on Miracle of Science: a surprise! Ooooo! Don't miss it!