(Jon sez:)
The most important stylistic feature of Martian ships is the lack of controls. No dials, buttons, switches, or other doodads. Everything is controlled through the Martian intellect link, or is self-controlling. Which rather makes composing a visually interesting scene hard on Mark. When we had the battle in Martian orbit with the Qin and the Gorbachev, Mark said that there are only so many ways you can draw people safely strapped into chairs before the artist goes mad and kills the writer.
I think it was a subtle hint.
I have a vicious head cold, so I'm going to bed now.
(Mark sez:)
Yes, there are only so many ways you can draw people safely strapped into chairs before the artist goes mad, designs a tailored DNA-keyed retrovirus that first manifests itself as a vicious head cold before moving on to more gruesome consequences, deploys it via telephonic resonance imaging, and sits back to watch for the first sign of its effects. That said I'm moderately happy with this new version.
There was something else, but blamed if I can remember what it was. Well, no biggie.