(Jon sez:)
Doctor Haas teaches a robot to garden starting on page 51 (with hilariously inept results, since he soon starts waving his arms around to emphasize his words in typically mad science fashion), and teaches robots to play music starting on page 80.
In the world of technology, Shuttle flight STS-121 will hopefully launch in early July. The Shuttles are quite old technology by this point, but they're also our only reusable rocket. Get cracking on that, NASA!
(Mark sez:)
Why didn't anyone tell me about that awesome File Browser they added to Photoshop? Since I carelessly never did design sketches or color charts for anything in MoS, I'm always referring back to previous pages to eyedropper up colors and whatnot. And the File Browser is perfect since is has the full thumbnail view to help me identify the best pages for reference. Well, at least that's going to come in handy for the rest of the comic.
I should also note that in a fit of productivity I took care of three more pages from the coloring backlog: 325 and 326 (Caprice's confrontation with Chaucer and Dryden on the roof of Café Sabella) and 348 (Benjamin in the hospital) as well as inking page 366. So other than finishing off 366, that just leaves... gulp... the five-page sequence where Pindar chases down the police van. Erh, well, no rush, right?