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(Jon sez:)

Your Writer: Jon Kilgannon If you want to imagine Pindar's lines being perfomed by Alan Rickman, I certainly won't disagree with you.

Science time! Pindar must be an extremely heavy robot if he can stop a police van. No matter how strong he is, if he's significantly lighter than the van he's just going to be pulled along the street by it. Unless, of course, he has some kind of anchor, such as would be provided by bracing his feet on a fixed curb or being directly bolted to the concrete. Since he isn't braced or bolted, he must be rather heavy.

(Mark sez:)

Your Artist: Mark Sachs Or, of course, it could be a really cheap van. Nonetheless, isn't all this exciting? What with the robots and chasing and whatnot? I think it's just grand.