(Jon sez:)
It is actually possible to drive across the surface of the water like that.
I saw a program on the Discovery Channel a while ago which described how
people actually race overpowered cars across the surfaces of ponds,
hydroplaning as they go. It looked really cool, but (1) I doubt my car
could do it, and (2) the cost to clean my car afterwards would be
prohibitive if I tried.
In the next few pages, stuff explodes! Boom! Pow! It'll be great. I can
say that because I don't have to draw it. I just write something like "A
Dodge Viper as designed by Salvador Dali drives into the scene and explodes
into a dozen pieces. We follow each piece as it arcs through the air, and
where each lands a tiny, perfect flower grows." And Mark has to draw
I am sooooo dead.
(Mark sez:)
I think I'm just going to have to come to terms with the fact that I can't draw water.