(Jon sez:)
I'd like to thank everyone who sent in email congratulating us on our one
year anniversary. You guys are the greatest! When A Miracle of
Science is a summer blockbuster starring John Cusack and Holly Marie
Combs*, you guys will all be invited to the red-carpet premiere.
Hey, if you're gonna dream, dream big.
* Two names I basically picked out of a hat. If you have better
casting ideas, send 'em in!
(Mark sez:)
Phew, I'm plumb tuckered out what with all the festivities and goings-on. But before I topple over I would like to extend special thanks to correspondent Avidita Darcy, who wrote in with many useful suggestions on getting more readers for MoS. Darn it, I can't plead ignorance any more...
Oh, I haven't plugged any other strips here in a while. Let me rectify that by recommending to you the comic strip Planet Earth (And Other Tourist Traps). Snappy humor mixed with a very well-executed storyline, and over two years of archives. Well, you know, I like it.