Keep in mind, of course, that none of the links on these pages will be functional. So if some ancient, abandoned project intrigues you... well, um, too bad, I guess. Okay, though, if you're really interested in some old bit of flotsam feel free to email me and ask anything you please. I'm always a polite correspondent.
- An early, early version of my site from when it was located at
- A later placeholder that lived at for a long time until they eventually noticed I had cancelled my account years ago. The image is from my part of the improvisational manga, Mech Slayer.
- The first placeholder that appeared at It was kind of a while before I actually got the content up there, admittedly.
- The first "live" version of Guardian, featuring many alarmingly obsolete projects.
- Guardian 2.0. I kept this around for a while with different front page images because I liked the nice shiny buttons and OCR A Extended font.
- Guardian 2.1. I'm not certain what's the real difference between 2.1 and 2.0. Oh, right, I messed with the table settings a bit.
- Guardian 3.0. Can't say that this ever went live; at least, all I've got is the background image, a gimmicked Wipeout screenshot. But it does look pretty sweet, so here it is. If anyone out there knows what that wacky font is, please tell me; it got lost innumerable computers ago and I miss it so.
- Guardian 4.0. Not so different in its fundamentals from 2.0, but it has a nice blue cast to it. The picture is a CG I did of some of the characters from Rareware's N64 game, Jet Force Gemini.
- Guardian 5.0 aka "Project Apollo." Heh, yeah, that went absolutely nowhere. I bow my head in embarrassment. But that is where the new name for my web site came from originally.
- Guardian 5.5. When I realized Project Apollo was going nowhere I sent it down the memory hole and made this front page instead, and I'm gonna have to level with you here: it is awesome. This is the sort of scary, broken atmosphere I had pictured for the Malarkey project I kept trying to do. The front page image is of Alecto from my part of the improvisational manga, The Unseen Hand.
- The first "live" version of Project Apollo. I was forced to abandon my comfortable old URL when Simplenet was bought by Yahoo! and shut down. I was going to get a new website elsewhere in protest but laziness forced my hand and I registered through Yahoo instead. I suppose I'll have this address forever now. Note the awkwardly revealing choice of front page image from John Kovalic's Dork Tower.
- A newer version of Project Apollo from 2001. Getting very close to the current layout, as you can see.
- An unused new version of Project Apollo that was more Miracle of Science-centric. This one never went live (obviously, given its not-done-ness) but that certainly is a nice picture of Caprice.
- The current front page at last.