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Jon sez

To better match Mark's schedule, Afterlife Blues will be updating on Tuesdays and Fridays from now on.

I'll be at the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention this Friday through Sunday. I'm participating in eight panel discussions. One of the panels is me and four professional science fiction authors (including one who has been writing professionally since 1957, one who was nominated for a Campbell award, and one who is a three-time Nebula Award finalist), so if you want to come see me look like an imbecile in front of an audience, be sure to attend that one!

Mark sez

Hmm, I kinda feel like I should link you to something or other. I'll do one better and give you two links.

The first one is to DXX Rebirth, home of an excellent open source port of the classic first person robot-'em-up Descent (and Descent II). Descent offers an experience which you still can't find too many other places these days: it's a shooty game where you're actually zooming around in zero gravity, with no up or down, and full freedom to move in all directions. It will make you dizzy and nauseous and you will love it and forever after look dismissively upon games which are so unimaginative as to require the player to keep standing on the ground.

The second one is to Xenogears: A Rope of Robots. If you never played the, erm, yeah, I suppose you'd have to call it "classic" Squaresoft RPG Xenogears, it will baffle you. If you have played that game, you will find this site to be the funniest thing ever.