Mark and I email back and forth just before each page is updated. The most recent page's discussion went something like this:
Mark: Here's the page.
Me: Awesome. It looks like our heroes went to the cheapest rental agency at the starport, since they're driving Trabants. Nice touch. I'll mention it in my Jon Sez column.
Mark: By the way, I'm going to hold a contest for our readers to guess what cars the characters are driving. The winners get to promote a website of their choice.
Me: Um...I think our mails just passed each other like ships in the night. My column gives away the answer to your contest. Delete the first paragraph from my column before you put it up on the site, please!
Mark: You win the contest! What site do you want to promote?
Mark: Those hacks? Forget it, they don't need our help.
I love working with Mark.
So several people wrote in with correct answers to the "identify the cars our heroes are driving" contest, and since I'm such a soft touch I declare that you're all winners and will post all the links you sent in for me to plug.